Popular culture historian and instructor
Curriculum Vitae
PhD, Media Arts and Text, ABD
Virginia Commonwealth University
Focus: Comic Book Adaptation in 1940s Radio Shows
MA (Comparative Literature)
Brooklyn College
Thesis: A Succession of Masks: Batman’s Evolving Sexuality
BA (Art Education)
Virginia Commonwealth University
Degree focus on the American comic book and related media (Thesis subject: Reestablishing Batman’s sexuality in the 1960s via the camp genre), and its effect on both pop culture and society. Transmedia and the correlation between intellectual property, film, and various related media. A focus on using the history of visual communications and media to reflect social and historical events.
2019-2024 Media and Visual Communications Assistant Professor, Virginia Commonwealth University, Communication Arts
With a full-time presence at VCU, I continue to develop and teach History of Visual Communication I and II for incoming Comm Arts students. I am also developing an online teaching presence within the department and in conjunction with the VCU Alt Lab. Achievements include revamping the Visual Communications foundational history class as a media class taught online.
2016-2019 Media and Visual Communications Adjunct Professor, Virginia Commonwealth University, Communication Arts
As an adjunct, I have developed the media component of the Communication Arts program, including lecture classes on films, comic books, and other media. Current and past classes include History of Visual Communication, Star Wars Decoded, Comic Book History, Science Fiction in Media, Media Awareness, and Horror in Media.
2013- Adjunct faculty/Travelling Lecturer, Virginia Museum of Fine Arts
As an adjunct, I have developed the media component of the Communication Arts program, including lecture classes on films, comic books, and other media. Current and past classes include History of Visual Communication, Star Wars Decoded, Comic Book History, Science Fiction in Media, Media Awareness, and Horror in Media.
2013- Adjunct faculty/Travelling Lecturer, Virginia Museum of Fine Arts
2014, 2015 Comic Book Film Teacher, Virginia Museum of Fine Arts Summer Program (High School Age)
2003, 2005 Comic Book Art Teacher, Virginia Museum of Fine Arts Summer Program (High School Age)
1999-2021 Consultant, Virginia Commonwealth University Special Collections
2019- Moderator, GalaxyCon
Regularly moderate panels with comic book creators, actors and performers, for this high-volume traveling convention.
2015- Publisher, The Drawn Word LLC
Successfully funded the licensed Madman Comin' Atcha 3-D Trading Cards set through Kickstarter; developed storytelling and media for the Eagle Force toy line; wrote seven pulp novellas; most recently created trading card set of iconic comic book The Spirit.
2013- Consulting Editor, Comic Book Creator
As consulting editor, discuss editorial and contribute feature articles to this magazine on the comic book industry and its history.
2012-2013 Producer/Host, The Drawn Word TV
This four-episode video talk show takes a classic approach to interviewing comic book luminaries.
2012-2013 Editor-in-Chief, The Drawn Word
This digital comics magazine features a combination of essaying about comics, creator profiles, classic comic reprints, and original comics.
2008-2012 Editor/Writer, Graphic NYC (
This website project features interview-based profiles with dozens of comic book creators and reviews, and is coming out in book form in April 2012.
2000-2006 Associate Editor, Comic Book Artist
Wrote regularly and developed historically-themed issues for this comics journalism magazine. CBA received five consecutive Eisner Awards for “Best Comics Related Periodical” during my tenure.
2000-2004 Editor/writer/inker/letterer, Hot Lead Studios
Packaged original comic book stories with different artists for a variety of publications, from independent superhero to educational comics.
1997- Comic book journalist and historian, freelance.
Have written for a variety of trade publications, from print to web, on different aspects of comic book history.
Cliffhanger! Cinematic Superheroes of the Serials, 1941-1952, comics and film history research book, 2022—TwoMorrows Publishing
Conversations: Larry Hama, editor, comics journalism book, 2018—University of Mississippi Press
New York Comics, comics journalism/art book, 2015—muttPop Publishing
Conversations: Michael Allred, editor, comics journalism book, 2015—University of Mississippi Press
New York Comics, comics journalism/art book, 2015—muttPop Publishing
Conversations: Michael Allred, editor, comics journalism book, 2015—University of Mississippi Press
The Amazing Heroes Handbook, comics history/reprint book, 2014—Fresh Monkey Fiction
Leaping Tall Buildings: The Origin of the American Comic Book, comics journalism/art book, 2012—powerHouse Publishing
Leaping Tall Buildings: The Origin of the American Comic Book, comics journalism/art book, 2012—powerHouse Publishing
Graphic NYC Presents: Dean Haspiel The Early Years, comics journalism/art book, 2010—IDW Publishing
Comics Introspective, Volume I: Peter Bagge, comics journalism/art book, 2007—TwoMorrows Publishing
The Blue Beetle Companion: His Many Lives from 1939 to Today, comics history research book, 2007—TwoMorrows Publishing
Modern Masters, Volume 11: Charles Vess, Interview/art book, 2007—TwoMorrows Publishing
Eagle Force Mega: Attack the Island, writer, pulp novella, 2021—The Drawn Word
Eagle Force Mega: Fall of the Eagle, writer, pulp novella, 2021—The Drawn Word
Blackbird: Flight of Death, writer, pulp novella, 2019—The Drawn Word
Dracula Illustrated, editor, illustrated classic, 2019—The Drawn Word
H.H. Holmes: The Devil's Shadow, biopic writer/producer, Feature length, TBD—Lionheart Filmworks
World War II, historical documentary writer, 6 episodes, 2017—Lionheart Filmworks
World War I, historical documentary writer, 5 episodes, 2017—Lionheart Filmworks Battles of the Revolutionary War, historical documentary writer, 5 episodes, 2016—Lionheart Filmworks
Lions of the Hour: The Virginia Military Institute during the Civil War, historical documentary writer, feature, 2016—Lionheart Filmworks
The History of Space Flight in America, historical documentary writer, 7 episodes, 2016—Lionheart Filmworks
Monsters Among Us, historical documentary writer/co-producer/co-director, 7 episodes, 2015—Lionheart Filmworks
Eagle Force Mega: Attack the Island, writer, pulp novella, 2021—The Drawn Word
Eagle Force Mega: Fall of the Eagle, writer, pulp novella, 2021—The Drawn Word
Blackbird: Flight of Death, writer, pulp novella, 2019—The Drawn Word
Dracula Illustrated, editor, illustrated classic, 2019—The Drawn Word
The Cat: To Catch the Cat, writer, pulp novella, 2019—The Drawn Word
The Cat: Face the Fear, writer, pulp novella, 2018—The Drawn Word
The Cat: Search and Destroy, writer, pulp novella, 2018—The Drawn Word
The Cat: Face the Night, writer, pulp novella, 2018—The Drawn Word
The Cat: Seize the Castle, writer, pulp novella, 2017—The Drawn Word
The Cat: Eight Lives Left, writer, pulp novella, 2017—The Drawn Word
The Cat: Face the Fear, writer, pulp novella, 2018—The Drawn Word
The Cat: Search and Destroy, writer, pulp novella, 2018—The Drawn Word
The Cat: Face the Night, writer, pulp novella, 2018—The Drawn Word
The Cat: Seize the Castle, writer, pulp novella, 2017—The Drawn Word
The Cat: Eight Lives Left, writer, pulp novella, 2017—The Drawn Word
H.H. Holmes: The Devil's Shadow, biopic writer/producer, Feature length, TBD—Lionheart Filmworks
World War II, historical documentary writer, 6 episodes, 2017—Lionheart Filmworks
World War I, historical documentary writer, 5 episodes, 2017—Lionheart Filmworks Battles of the Revolutionary War, historical documentary writer, 5 episodes, 2016—Lionheart Filmworks
Lions of the Hour: The Virginia Military Institute during the Civil War, historical documentary writer, feature, 2016—Lionheart Filmworks
The History of Space Flight in America, historical documentary writer, 7 episodes, 2016—Lionheart Filmworks
Monsters Among Us, historical documentary writer/co-producer/co-director, 7 episodes, 2015—Lionheart Filmworks
Vietnam: Fifty Years Remembered, historical documentary co-writer, 7 episodes, 2015—Lionheart Filmworks
Atlanta: Summer of Fire, historical documentary writer, feature, 2014—Lionheart Filmworks
Road to Ruin: The Battle of Bull Run, historical documentary writer, feature, 2014—Lionheart Filmworks
Olustee: Battle in the Pines, historical documentary writer, feature, 2014—Lionheart Filmworks
Atlanta: Summer of Fire, historical documentary writer, feature, 2014—Lionheart Filmworks
Road to Ruin: The Battle of Bull Run, historical documentary writer, feature, 2014—Lionheart Filmworks
Olustee: Battle in the Pines, historical documentary writer, feature, 2014—Lionheart Filmworks
Interview-based journalistic essays with cartoonists and graphic novelists
“Bryan Lee O’Malley on Genre-Blending and Indie Comics”, 5/24/13
“Robert Kirkman and the Creative Life of Walking Dead”, 3/26/13
“Evan Dorkin: On Defying Genre”, 1/25/13
“Pete Bagge feels the Hate!”, 6/27/2012
“Chris Ware on Building a Better Comic Book”, 3/6/12
“Getting Scary, Cheery and Chatty with Jill Thompson”, 1/30/12
“Paul Levitz: The History of the Past and Future”, 1/4/12
“Alex Ross: Making the Old Guard New”, 11/21/11
“Brian Azzarello on Crime and Superheroes”, 10/26/11
“Dan Didio: Comics and Controversy”, 10/10/11
“Grant Morrison: Of SuperGods and Supermen”, 9/8/11
“Chris Claremont on Evolving the X-Men”, Part One and Part Two, 6/13/11 and 6/22/11
“Jeffrey Brown, the Incredible Changing Artist!”, 5/10/11
“Stan ‘The Man’ Lee: ‘Nuff Said!”, 4/5/11
“Dwayne McDuffie: A Career of Diversity”, 3/3/11
“Kyle Baker: From Bullpens to Self-Publishing”, 1/31/11
“Frank Miller, Part 2: On Pastiche, Directing and the Future”, 12/7/2010
“Frank Miller, Part 1: Dames, Dark Knights, Devils, and Heroes”, 12/1/10
“Art Spiegelman: Still Movin’ with Comix”, 11/17/10
“Micheal Kupperman and Tales Designed to Thrizzle”, 10/29/10
“James Sturm: Modern Storytelling in a Period Setting”, 9/21/10
“Jim Shooter’s Secret Origin, In His Own Words”, Parts 1 and 2, 7/20/10 and 7/26/10
“Jaime Hernandez: Love, Rockets, Punk Rock, and Comix”, 5/11/10
“Gene Colan: On Vampires, Shadows, and the Industry”, 5/3/10
“Dick Giordano: It Had to Be For Love”, 4/6/10
“Jason Little: Improving Comic Art”, 3/30/10
“Knockin’ One Back with Ben Templesmith”, 3/23/10
“Will Eisner: The Spirit of Comic”, 3/9/10
“Talking Comics with Scott McCloud”, 3/1/10
“Jack Kirby: The King of Comics”, 2/8/10
“Brian Michael Bendis Takes Siege of New York”, 2/2/10
“Larry Hama: All About Character”, 1/19/10
“Kabuki and Daredevil’s David Mack: Breaking Panel Borders”, 12/8/09
“American Splendor’s Inimitable Harvey Pekar”, 11/30/09
“Madman’s Mike Allred: Rock Out Flying an Atomic Red Rocket 7”, 11/23/09
“Diario de Peter Kuper: From World War 3 to Spy vs. Spy”, 11/13/09
“Joe Quesada: Marvel’s Editor-in-Chief Without Fear”, 11/2/09
“Neal Adams: Evolving Comics from Print to Motion”, 10/19/09
“Tom Hart: From Hutch Owen to Saying Everything”, 10/13/09
“Matt Madden on the Intuition and Experimentation of Comics”, 10/5/09
“The Creepy, Funny, Absurdist World of Playboy’s Gahan Wilson”, 9/22/09
“Nick Bertozzi: The Perpetual Student of Comics”, 9/14/09
“Fighting Northlanders in the DMZ…or the Incredibly Talented Mr. Brian Wood”, 9/9/09
“Ruling the Night with Kevin Colden”, 8/15/2009
“Comics and Philosophy with Michel Fiffe”, 8/10/09
“The Pen is Mightier than the Revolver: Chatting with Jimmy Palmiotti”, 8/3/09
“A.D.'s Josh Neufeld on Comics and Collaborations”, 7/28/09
“Jules Feiffer: The Great Comic Hero”, 7/14/09
“Carmine Infantino's Final Interview? No way.”, 7/2/09
“Casting Gotham's Shadow: A Visit with Jerry Robinson”, 6/17/09
“Mike Dawson and Me: The Artist on Being More Than Just ‘The Queen Guy’”, 6/9/09
“‘If you're lucky’: Joe Simon on Life and Comic Books”, 5/30/09
“Becky Cloonan and Her Arsenal of Styles”, 5/26/09
“Firing Off with Tim Hamilton”, 5/18/09
“Daring to be Different with Joe Infurnari”, 5/11/09
“Kat Roberts and the Online World”, 5/5/09
“The Political Evolution of Denny O'Neil”, 4/27/09
“Around the World with Simon Fraser”, 4/20/09
“Walter Simonson and How He Became the Man Who Fell Into Comics”, 4/13/09
“Keeping current with Joe Kubert”, 3/22/09
“Love, Death, and Rock 'n' Roll with Mike Cavallaro”, 3/16/09
“Getting Mythological with George O'Connor”, 3/9/09
“Love and Style: Christine Norrie on Romance and NYC”, 3/2/09
“The New York Life with Bob Fingerman”, 2/16/09
“Bleeding Hipster Ink: A Chat with Dean Haspiel”, 2/2/09
“Evolving Comics: Dan Goldman on 08”, 1/26/09
“Irwin Hasen on New York Dreams”, 1/19/09
“On the Fringe with Paul Pope”, 1/13/09
“Al Jaffee's Amazing Fold-In Life”, 1/9/09
“Howard Chaykin: The Reinvented Man”, 12/31/08
“The Bottomless Depths of Dash Shaw”, 12/27/08
Golden Age Western Comics, comics reprint book, 2012—powerhouse Publishing
The Phantom: The Complete Comics: The Charlton Years, Volume 1, comics reprint book, 2011—Hermes Press
Land of the Giants, comics reprint book, 2010—Hermes Press
Alter Ego, Volume 3
“Monster Mash! Jeff Smith on Shazam! The Monster Society of Evil”, Interview, Alter Ego [Fawcett Collectors of America #126] #67 (April 2007) 82-84
“‘I'm Responsible For The Silver Age’: Robert Kanigher on many subjects - including (very briefly) Showcase #4”, Alter Ego #60 (July 2006) 18-24
“Life From A Flash Of Lightning: The significance of Showcase #4”, Cover feature, Alter Ego #60 (July 2006) 5-8 "
“ ‘X’ Marks The Sprocket: The 1984 X-Men movie that might have been”, Cover feature, Alter Ego #58 (May 2006) 9-15
“Children Of The Atom: How The X-Men mutated to become the nucleus of Marvel Comics”, Cover feature, Alter Ego #58 (May 2006) 3-8 "
"Gil Kane on Comics--Past, Present, and Future", Interview, Alter Ego #5 (Summer 2000) 16-20
Back Issue
“Gotham City’s Other Dynamic Duo: Alan Grant and Norm Breyfogle”, Interview, Back Issue #22 (June 2007)
“The Genesis of Hellboy: Mike Mignola”, Interview, Back Issue #21 (April 2007) 3-5
“The Swivel-Arm Battle-Grip Revolution: How G.I. Joe recruited a new generation of comic-book readers”, Cover feature, Back Issue #16 (June 2006) 15-31
“Transformers: More Than Meets the Eye”, Back Issue #16 (June 2006) 8-14
“War in Space: Goodwin and Williamson's Star Wars Strip”, Essay, Back Issue #14 (February 2006) 65-69
Comic Book Artist, Volume I
“Western CIV 101: Unlocking the Mystery of Gold Key Comics”, Cover feature, Comic Book Artist #22 (Oct 2002) 16-31
"CBA Retrospective: The Life of Legendary ‘Big John’ Buscema", Essay, Comic Book Artist #21 (Aug 2002) 4-B - 13-B
"In Memoriam: ‘This Was a Man!’”, Essay, Comic Book Artist #17 (January 2002) 48-55
“Endgame: T.H.U.N.D.E.R. Strikes Twice!”, Essay, Comic Book Artist #14 (July 2001) 100-105
“Ric Meyers Interview: The Atlas Age of Comics”, Interview, Comic Book Artist #16 (December 2001) 102-107
“Dan Reed Interview: An Offer They Couldn't Refuse”, Interview, Comic Book Artist #12 (March 2001) 102-103
“Closing the Books: Charlton's Twilight and Afterlife”, Interview, Comic Book Artist #12 (March 2001) 104-108
“Towering Achievement: The Rise and Fall of Tower Comics”, Cover feature, Comic Book Artist #14 (July 2001) 12-17
“Joe Gill Interview: Mr. Prolific”, Interview, Comic Book Artist #9 (August 2000) 22-24
“Charlton's Action Hero Line: A Piece of the Action”, Comic Book Artist #9 (August 2000) 25-29
“Charles Santangelo Interview: The Half-Dollar Man”, Interview, Comic Book Artist #9 (August 2000) 12+13
“History Lesson: The Charlton Empire”, Article (with Jon B. Cooke), Comic Book Artist #9 (August 2000) 14-21
Comic Book Artist, Volume 2
“Irving on the Inside: Tony Millionaire's Sock Monkey”, Comic Book Artist #4 (September 2004) 14
“Irving on the Inside: [Greg] Land's Lady”, Interview, Comic Book Artist #3 (March 2004) 22
“Irving on the Inside: Flying high with Rags Morales”, Interview, Comic Book Artist #2 (October 2003) 22
“Irving on the Inside: Catching Up with Michael Lark”, Interview, Comic Book Artist #1 (July 2003) 26
Comic Book Creator
“Irving on the Inside: An Evening with Denny & Neal,” Comic Book Creator #1 (September 2004) 22-31
“Making His Mark: Joe Kubert”, Comic Book Creator #2(September 2004) 10-18
Comic Book Marketplace
“Victor Fox’s Blue Beetle!”, Cover feature, Comic Book Marketplace #79 (June 2000), 20-26
Comics Buyer’s Guide
“Out Here in the Stars: DC celebrates six decades of Starman”, Cover feature, Comics Buyer’s Guide #1433 (May 4, 2001) 38-42
“Discover the Magic: Celebrate a decade of Jeff Smith’s Bone!”, Cover feature, Comics Buyer’s Guide #1421 (February 9, 2001) 22-25
“Justice for All: 60 years of the Justice Society of America”, Cover feature, Comics Buyer’s Guide #1419 (January 26, 2001) 24-29
“Seeing Stars: Roy Thomas unveils The All-Star Companion”, Comics Buyer’s Guide #1419 (January 26, 2001) 22-23
“American Revolution: 60 years of Captain America”, Cover feature, Comics Buyer’s Guide #1419 (January 19, 2001) 38-44
“Fighting for Captain America’s rights – or rights to Captain America”, Comics Buyer’s Guide #1419 (January 19, 2001) 46
“Static Shock invades the Airwaves”, Cover feature, Comics Buyer’s Guide #1402 (September 29, 2000) 22-24
“The Eternal Glow: DC celebrates Green Lantern’s 60th Birthday”, Cover feature, Comics Buyer’s Guide #1396 (August 18, 2000) 22-27
“Assembling Again: The Avengers lead Marvel’s latest crossover”, Cover feature, Comics Buyer’s Guide #1397 (August 25, 2000) 22-25
“Getting the truth from comic books”, Cover feature, Comics Buyer’s Guide #1393 (July 28, 2000) 40-42
“Childhood experiences influence Streetwise”, Comics Buyer’s Guide #1393 (July 28, 2000) 44-45
“Behind the Scenes: The ‘Josie’ lawsuit”, Comics Buyer’s Guide #1390 (July 7, 2000) 6
“‘Backpack Marvels’: new format for new readers”, Comics Buyer’s Guide #1387 (June 16, 2000) 6
“Archie Comics fires DeCarlo following lawsuit”, Comics Buyer’s Guide #1387 (June 16, 2000) 6
“Slinging ink for ‘The Man’”: Joe Sinnott looks back at a half-century of work on The FF, Treasure Chest, and more”, Cover feature, Comics Buyer’s Guide #1385 (June 2, 2000) 26-28
“The Rest of the West: AC Comics brings companies back from Boot Hill”, Comics Buyer’s Guide #1384 (May 26, 2000) 42
“A Gallop and a roar – A brief palaver on Western comics”, Cover feature, Comics Buyer’s Guide #1384 (May 26, 2000) 38-41
“Hawkman’s flying high: DC plans revival of character, series”, Cover feature, Comics Buyer’s Guide #24 (May 12, 2000) 24-25
“The work habits of a Madman (creator): Mike Allred faces the challenge of getting Madman back on track”, Cover feature, Comics Buyer’s Guide #1368, 22-24
The Comics Journal
“Shades of Gray: The Life and Death of the Oft-overlooked Master: An Essay on Gray Morrow”, Essay, 10/22/2012
Comics Scene 2000
“Those Damned Detectives: Creator Mike Allred investigates making G-Men from Hell into a heavenly movie”, Comics Scene 2000 #3 (Sept 2000) 72-76
The Drawn Word
“Brian Wood Profile”, Interview essay, The Drawn Word #1 (Spring 2012) 9-32
“Space Oddity: Captain Marvel”, Historical essay, The Drawn Word #1 (Spring 2012) 38-41
“Bill Sienkiewicz: The Abstract Artist’s Abstract”, Interview essay, The Drawn Word #1 (Spring 2012) 66-83
“Getting Thrillbent with Mark Waid”, Interview essay, The Drawn Word #2 (Summer 2012) 8-28
“Vader’s Day with Jeffrey Brown”, Interview essay, The Drawn Word #2 (Summer 2012) 29-38
“Baby’s in Black: Interview with Arne Belstorf”, Interview essay, The Drawn Word #2 (Summer 2012) 39-46
“No Fear of Failure! An Interview with Jimmy Palmiotti on Creator Owned Heroes”, Interview essay, The Drawn Word #2 (Summer 2012) 47-62
The Jack Kirby Collector
“Reimagineers: John Romita, Jr. interview”, Interview, The Jack Kirby Collector #47 (Fall 2006) 22-23
“Doing his Damnedest: Walter Simonson interview”, Interview, The Jack Kirby Collector #26 (Nov. 1999) 39-44
New York Magazine
Sally Vane, Writer, (2012), monthly comic book proposal
The Fourth Wheel, Plotter/inker/editor, Hot Lead Studios/Homeward (non-profit) (2004) 4-page educational “ashcan” comic book
“Miss Scarab”, Writer/inker/letterer, Femforce #122 (2003) 28-34
“Whizzards”, Breakdowns/layouts, Big Bang Comics: Whiz Kids #1 (April 2003) 22-40
Blackbird, Writer/inker/editor, Hot Lead Studios (self-published) (2002) 40-page comic book
“Night of the Goddess”, Writer/inker, Femforce #125 (2004) 15-27
“An Immaterial Love Story”, Writer/inker/letterer, Femforce #125 (2004) 37-43
“Untitled She-Cat story,” Writer, Femforce #126 (2004) 17-23
“Mission Prometheus: Part One”, Writer/inker, Femforce #132 (2005) 1-5
“Mission Prometheus: Part Two:, Writer, Femforce #133 (2005) 24-29
“Generation Gap”, Writer, Femforce #134 (2006) 1-24
“Love Hurts”, Writer, Femforce #135 (2006) 13-19
“Death of the Goddess!”, Writer, Femforce #136 (2006) 1-8
“Starcrossed”, Story, Femforce #137 (2006) 1-6
“Jungle Love”, Story, Femforce #137 (2006) 7-13
“Dagger Quest”, Story, Femforce #137 (2006) 14-21
“My own worst enemy”, Writer, Femforce #138 (2007) 1-9
“Shadowhunt”, Story, Femforce #138 (2007) 11-17
Moderator, GalaxyCon Richmond, 2/28-3/1/2020; highlights include "Ask Skeletor Anything" and "A Clerks Q and A"
Moderator, GalaxyCon Louisville, 11/22-24/2019; highlights include "Muppet Masters: Steve Whitmire and Kirk Thatcher Q and A" and "80 Years of Batman"
Moderator, GalaxyCon Minneapolis, 11/8-10/2019; highlights include "Behind the Scenes of the Marvel Universe" with Sean Gunn
Moderator, GalaxyCon Raleigh, 7/25-28/2019
Moderator, GalaxyCon Richmond, 5/31/2019-6/2/2019
Comic book and graphic novel guest lecturer, Francesca Lyn, Virginia Commonwealth University, 9/4/2015
“An Evening with Scott McCloud”, Lecture, Virginia Commonwealth University, moderator, 4/6/2015
“A Succession of Masks”, Presentation, WorkHouse Arts Center, presenter, 10/16/2014
“Leaping Tall Buildings”, Presentation, William King Museum, presenter, 4/3/2014
“Leaping Tall Buildings”, Presentation, Williamsburg Regional Library, presenter, 1/12/2014
Moderator, GalaxyCon Minneapolis, 11/8-10/2019; highlights include "Behind the Scenes of the Marvel Universe" with Sean Gunn
Moderator, GalaxyCon Raleigh, 7/25-28/2019
Moderator, GalaxyCon Richmond, 5/31/2019-6/2/2019
Comic book and graphic novel guest lecturer, Francesca Lyn, Virginia Commonwealth University, 9/4/2015
“An Evening with Scott McCloud”, Lecture, Virginia Commonwealth University, moderator, 4/6/2015
“A Succession of Masks”, Presentation, WorkHouse Arts Center, presenter, 10/16/2014
“Leaping Tall Buildings”, Presentation, William King Museum, presenter, 4/3/2014
“Leaping Tall Buildings”, Presentation, Williamsburg Regional Library, presenter, 1/12/2014
“Young Adult Graphic Novels”, Panel, Heroes Con, moderator, 6/8/2013
“All Ages Comics”, Panel, Heroes Con, moderator, 6/9/2013
“The Humor Panel with Frank Cho, Peter Bagge, Tim Rickard, and Evan Dorkin”, Panel, Heroes Con, moderator, 6/9/2013
“Walter Simonson Spotlight”, Panel, Jim Hanley’s Universe, moderator, 9/19/12
"Leaping Tall Buildings", Midtown Comics, panelist, 8/31/12
"Leaping Tall Buildings", Greenlight Bookstore, panelist, 8/17/12
"Leaping Tall Buildings Reading", Reading, Drawn and Quarterly, 8/9/12
"Leaping Tall Buildings", Midtown Comics, panelist, 8/31/12
"Leaping Tall Buildings", Greenlight Bookstore, panelist, 8/17/12
"Leaping Tall Buildings Reading", Reading, Drawn and Quarterly, 8/9/12
“Leaping Tall Buildings”, Panel, Jim Hanley’s Universe, moderator, 7/25/12
Comic book and graphic novel guest lecturer, Kent Worcester, Marymount Manhattan College, 7/19/12
“Social Relevancy in Comics with Dennis O’Neil and Neal Adams”, Panel, Housing Works, moderator, 7/17/12
“Hero, Villain, Yeti: Tibet in Comics” Art unveiling, Rubin Museum, moderator, 4/18/12
“Leaping Tall Buildings: Behind the Pictures”, Powerhouse Books Leaping Tall Buildings release party, moderator, 4/14/12
“Comics to Film”, Powerhouse Books Leaping Tall Buildings release party, moderator, 4/14/12
“Autobio and Semi-Autobio Comic Books”, Powerhouse Books Leaping Tall Buildings release party, moderator, 4/14/12
“New York: Real and Imagined”, Columbia University, moderator, 3/24/12.
“Jerry Robinson Spotlight”, Barnes and Noble in NYC, moderator, 6/29/11
“The Creativity and Business of Cartooning”, Pratt Institute, panelist, 4/7/10
“Kyle Baker Spotlight”, King Con, moderator, 11/6/10
"The Death of Print", King Con, moderator, 11/4/10
"The Death of Print", King Con, moderator, 11/4/10
“Graphic NYC Panel”, King Con, moderator, 11/7/09
“Two MAD Men: Al Jaffee and Peter Kuper”, King Con, moderator, 11/7/09
“The Blue Beetle: The Definitive Mysteryman”, San Diego Comic Con, Presenter, 6/00
“Tragedy in Colorado: Movie Theater Massacre”, Studio interview, 7/20/12
48 Hours Mystery
“Tragedy in Aurora”, location interview, 7/21/12
“How the Simpsons Changed TV”, by Stephen Dowling,, 12/17/2014
Comic Book Central
"Christopher Irving on Cliffhanger!," #443, Podcast Interview, 7/20/2023
The Drawn Word TV
“Peter Kuper”, Studio interview, host, 2/20/2012
“Larry Hama”, Studio interview, host, 2/20/2012
“Dash Shaw”, Studio interview, host, 2/20/2012
“Chris Claremont”, Studio interview, host, 2/20/2012
“Secret Identity: Teacher Dons Cape, Cowl”, by Jason Norton, The Farmville Herald v112, #25 (February 13, 2002) Front page
“Artist Lets Hot Lead Fly: Irving’s Comic Book Company Expands”, by Jason Norton, The Farmville Herald v114, #14 (January 7, 2004) Front page
The Artist’s Craft, by Stacey Cochran (September, 2007) Video interview
Superhero Nation: A Documentary, by Ian Fischer (interviewed 2009) Video interview
Collected Comics Library, by Chris Marshall (May, 2011) Podcast interview
Trip City Podcast
“The Origin of Leaping Tall Buildings”, Podcast interview, 7/13/2012
Virginia Currents
"Star Wars Decoded", news interview, 12/29/2018
2006-2008, 2012-2013 Pop Culture Association
2012-2013 Author’s Guild
2012-2014 Comic Book Legal Defense Fund